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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Windows Movie Maker

Posting and editing digital photos is pretty easy.

The new look at Gulf City mall in Trinidad is really nice.

But trying to get my Windows Movie Maker to work was a futile exercise!

I ended up posting three short video clips that would have been edited together if I could the pgme to work.

I even downloaded another editing pgme but that wasn't getting off the ground so...raw footage it was.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pictures / photos and Videos

Well, I've joined Flickr and Google Videos.

They're both up...but they're not yet running.


Overseas flower deliveries

Has anyone else run into problems when trying to arrange a flower delivery from one country to another?

For my birthday, my best friend decided to send me flowers.

She lives in NY and I live in Trinidad and you know what happened.

By the time the flowers got to me, they were completely different to what she had ordered and the actual flowers were much cheaper than what she paid for!

However, where there's a great florist, there's a way...

I am using my florist here in Trinidad and he will cut out the floral middle men and place the order with another florist in NY! :-)

The sunflower, gerbra/gerber and delphinium should be in the celebratory bouquet I'm sending to her. :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Does anyone else think widgets can be fun?

They add colour and life to a blog while letting visitors get to know you and your interests more.


Screen grabs 2

The keyboard I'm using doesn't have the button to grab screen shots, so I have improvised as best I can.

Blogger only has picture and video options, so when I tried to save the page and upload it...I got error messages.

Screen grabs

My top 3 blogs (so far)

I decided to follow Mark's advice about the top 100 blogs and here are the 3 that appealed ot me the most...

I love trying new foods. So this blog was an obvious choice :-)

Sci Fi has always interested me. A blog by 7 sci Fi Fantasy writers? What could be better?

AND I need to know what's happening in the world. So why not the blog of a group of BBC editors on what they face in getting the news and putting it out. Their blog also lets one get a different view of the news and the people who provide us with it.

Web are the good

Web headlines

The Good…

1) Storms ahead for Olympics torch

2) 18 trapped underwater after collision

3) Pole, 79, arrested for catapult anti-car campaign

4) With strain of war, thoughts of suicide;_ylt=AncLDzgtDATFgfZ3eQ3U4aX0kPUI

5) Oreo defense used in Conn. speeding chase;_ylt=AseNfIzBLh.zSM0jmobvJ0ftiBIF

Web headlines...The good and the bad

Web headlines

The Bad…

1) Bear Stearns staff auction off teddies, T-shits, memorabilia

2) Sweetheart deals let schools cash in at students’ expense;_ylt=Av0iQ1DrzZYk30YWisE24Z_0kPUI

3) Dutch anti-Koran film’s Web site shut down

4) Play halted due to bad weather at WGC-CA Championship;_ylt=AvXPkuza.wkyCwGpD8Kw2JL0kPUI

5) Conrad Black on life behind bars: “I am doing fine”

Why the Good ones work…

1) Storms ahead grabbed my attention because of the controversy surrounding the Beijing Olympics and the recent violence and protests in Tobet.

The headline is also short and catchy…making me want to find out more.

2) 18 trapped makes me ask What? Where? How? When? And of course, Who?

All of the things any headline worth it’s space should.

3) Pole, 79 just seemed crazy. What on earth did this man do? Did he, as the headline implies, really catapult a car into the air in protest?

4) With strain made me stop and think about the wars America and its allies are fighting in the Middle East. The apparent impact on those involved is alarming.

5) Oreo defense had me smiling. I love odd news and this sounded like it would be a good one.

Why the bad ones don’t work…

They tend to be too long. A catchier title would still get the point/news across.

Some assume the reader knows what acronyms mean.


This Easter Weekend saw people around the world celebrating the religous and secular holidays.

The BBC's Week in Pictures included this shot that I really like.

Sorbs - a Catholic minority in eastern Germany - ride in a historic Easter procession to celebrate the resurrection.

If you're looking for more info on Easter...try this site...

Breaking news alerts

Breaking news alerts were not something I ever really used before.

I prefer the RSS feeds, plus I'm always checking my favourite news sites several times a day.

But I now get alerts from BBC, CNN and MSNBC.

Here are the links to each site's main page...

Keeping track

CNN's breaking news alerts are a good way to keep track of world news and events.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

RSS feeds

Well, I've finally set up my RSS feeds.

This after almost a week of trying to figure out when and what to select.

I've chosen the ever reliable BBC, Yahoo Odd News for radio kickers (love those), Reuters Sports, Yahoo Opinion, TV listings, Hollywood North Report and Cesar Milan Dog Whisperer, among others.

I think that's everything for Week 2.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Favourite TV shows

I really love watching "Lost" on ABC.

Unlike a lot of other shows, "Lost" is like a really good suspense keeps you guessing about what's going to happen next, why and how it's all connected.

Other shows that I really enjoy include "Dexter" on Showtime, "NCIS" on CBS, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" on NBC and "Monk" on USA.